Wednesday 28 March 2012

Real Life interferes with my hobbies

Still haven't done any sewing. I'm getting a little nervous, it's now the 28th. :s

I had intended to do some this morning, but then remembered that I have people coming over tomorrow. D'oh!

So my priority shifted to tidying the living room, but I got a bit distracted by laundry and dishes. :p oops. At least I've had a productive morning, if not crafty.

I also went to the gym and walked the dog. There's a challenge going on at my gym this month. Work out three times a week for the month, lose 5 pounds and donate some food to Winnipeg Harvest. Win a gym bag. Yay!

This is the last week, things have gone smoothly up to this point, but I think what's going to trip me up is whether or not I've lost weight. My bathroom scale says I've lost three, but I suspect that at least two more may have been converted to muscle. We'll see what happens, if I have to, I'll calculate how many fat pounds I've lost based on the body fat % the gym scale calculates. Then argue that I deserve my gym bag. :p